Arizonans for Quality Education

What We Do
Arizonans for Quality Education is committed to advocating for Arizona's public schools by providing a variety of strategies tailored to meet the needs of local districts.

Provide important policy information
More than 1 million school-age children attend Arizona public schools. Poll after poll identifies education as a high-priority issue for Arizonans. Business leaders name education as one of the foremost drivers of Arizona’s future economy. With this level of impact and civic and economic importance, informed public discussion that leads to greater understanding and support for Arizona’s public schools is essential.

Invest in local education funding
Year after year, because our schools remain underfunded, school districts throughout the state seek local funding in the form of local bonds or overrides. While some areas have an excellent success rate, many of our school districts face challenges in educating the public regarding this important funding that can help with everything from teacher pay to increasing school security. AQE works to support local bond and override elections across the state providing funding, expertise, and strategy for those in need.

Strategically Support Other Education Organizations
Arizonans for Quality Education recognizes the excellent work of other education institutions and organizations and choose to support their political agendas and efforts. Groups like the Arizona School Boards Association develop positions on issues based on the association’s political agenda, which is discussed, debated, and approved by ASBA membership at the annual Delegate Assembly. Every district member board has the opportunity to influence the yearly agenda. AQE will strategically support the collaborative work of ASBA and others to improve education policy in the state.

Back candidates who support public schools
Through our Political Action Committee, we support the election of candidates and elected officials who demonstrate a proven commitment to our public schools. As our political bodies grow even more divided, we need more elected officials who are willing to stand up for what is right and champion public education.

Promote accountability
Arizona’s 90 elected state legislators serve constituents in our state’s 30 legislative districts. Each district has two representatives who serve in the House and one who serves in the Senate. AQE promotes accountability by drawing attention to important legislation and its potential impact on our public schools.